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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Milk Tin Bread

This unbelievable easy milk bread is ideal for any breakfast table.

Ingredients make 2 loaves

480 g strong flour
1 packet instant yeast (7g)
1 tbls caster sugar (15g)
2 tsp salt (12g)
310 ml lukewarm milk
2 tbls butter (30g)


Place flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Warm milk and butter in a pot. Add lukewarm milk and butter mixture to the flour mixture. Combine to make dough and knead the dough for approx. 5 minutes until smooth and elastic. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and allow the dough to rest for 60 minutes at room temperature approx 20ºC. Spray two loaf pans with cooking spray. Dust flour on the kitchen table and work the sticky dough with flour into two round balls. Shape each ball into an oval shape and place in the greased bread tins. Allow proofing for approx. 50 minutes. Preheat oven to 175ºC. Bake the bread in the oven for approx. 40 minutes. Remove bread from the tin and brush soft butter on top while the bread is still hot. Allow at least 20 minutes cooling on a wire before cutting.

Note: You can also make this bread as a cob or other shapes such as round rolls or fingers.

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