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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lamb Bacon and Mushroom Pate

This pate with extensive flavours is perfect for a buffet.


300 g chopped lamb liver
100 g chopped mushrooms
100 g finely chopped onion
1 finely chopped bacon (100g)
40 ml brandy
½ tsp salt
½ tsp ground white pepper
2 tsp mixed dried herbs
200 g butter


Place 1 tablespoon butter, onion and bacon in a frying pan over medium heat, cook for approx. 4 minute. Add the liver and occasional turn for approx. 10 minutes until evenly cooked, lightly browned on the outside and pink on the inside. Add brandy and seasoning, simmer for approx. 2 minute while intermittently stirring. Place the mixture in a food processor and mix on high speed while adding butter in three additions. Process the mixture until evenly mixed and smooth. Place e warm mixture in ceramic ramekins and even the surface. Melt some butter and pour on the top. Cover the pate with cling wrap and allow cooling in the fridge for approx. 1 hour before use.

Note: If you prefer an extra smooth pate, press the mixture through a fine sieve while still warm. You can also add green peppercorn or chopped thyme to the melted butter on top.

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