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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Gluten Free Chocolate Brownies

These gluten free dense delicious brownies are even better with added chocolate chips.

Ingredients make 10 slices

85 g butter
225 g chocolate
150 g caster sugar
100 g eggs
1 tbls cocoa powder
30 g corn starch
100 g toasted and chopped pecan nuts
200 g cream
200 g chopped dark chocolate
20 g toasted and chopped pecan nuts


Preheat oven to 180ºC normal bake. Grease two 28 x 18 cm cake tins and line with baking paper. Melt butter and chocolate while stirring on low heat. Remove from the stove and mix in the sugar. Add eggs and combine. Sift cocoa powder and starch in the bowl. Mix until combined and add chopped pecan nuts. Blend evenly and divide mixture in the two prepared cake tins. Bake in the oven for approx. 20 minutes. Allow cooling for an hour. Place the cream in a pot and bring to the boil. Add chocolate and blend until all chocolate is melted. Turn one of the cakes upside down on a tray. Spread half the ganaché evenly on the cake and place the other cake upside down on the ganaché. Spread the rest of the ganaché on the top and sprinkle chopped toasted pecan nuts on top. Allow cooling in the fridge before cutting into slices.

Note: You can melt the butter first before adding the chocolate or melt it carefully in the microwave.

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